A Letter to the Class of 2020
The best is yet to come.
Class of 2020,
We are proud of you!
I know the last few months have been anything but “ fun.” I know many of you probably feel robbed, because COVID-19 stole from you some of the best weeks of your high school years.
I get it, but I’m not saying I can completely relate. As I’m not a high school senior anymore. None of us have had to navigate through a pandemic. But I do want you to know the frustration and anger you feel, we all get it. Our lives have been forever changed because of this. If I were in your shoes I would be upset too-as many of you probably are.
But I am not writing this to simply tell you we understand how you feel. No, I’m writing this to tell you to keep your head up because the best is yet to come. Maybe you’ve heard those words before. Maybe you don’t believe me. Know this: Life will go on and this craziness because of the coronavirus will pass.
You have your future ahead of you.
For some, it’s the military. (Thank you for standing for our freedoms!)
For some, it’s college.
For some, it’s work.
Whatever it is: the best is yet to come!